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Toys for Tots

The Venice Yacht Club also supports the Toys for Tots program. Each year, VYC organizes a campaign to collect toys for needy families at Christmas time. Toys for Tots Statement: "The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help needy children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation's most valuable natural resources - our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future." Click Here to Learn More.


Getting Involved - Community

Venice Yacht Club Charitable Foundation (VYCCF) was created, and is a safe way for members, to help support important community charitable endeavors. Venice Youth Boating Association (VYBA): The VYC is a proud supporter of the VYBA, which is a non-profit sailing organization that teaches our community youth responsibility, team-work, and boating safety while having fun on the water with their Learn to Sail Program. VYCCF also supports a multitude of local community organizations and endeavors to help our community members who are in need.

Love & Cookies

Love and Cookies is a Yacht Club tradition that began as a simple cookie exchange at the home of Donna Clafin. The exchange quickly became a very popular event and it was decided to donate the cookies to our local Hospice Care Recipients. We are proud to have participated in this event for over fifteen years.

Relay for Life

The Relay For Life is a community event sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The goal of the relay is to bring together people to; increase awareness, honor survivors, remember those who are still fighting cancer and those who lost were to cancer, and raise money for continued research. The Venice Yacht Club is pleased to take part in this celebration of hope.

International Order of the Blue Gavel

IOBG Information PDF   Visit the IOBG Website


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